Dated: 05-Sep-2008
Ezekial [593BC - 570BC]
Some background about Ezekial and his times.
. 586BC - Fall of Jerusalem
. Ezekial saw the glory of the Lord and he heard the Almighty speak to him.
3:1-3 - God gave him a scroll to eat - "Eat this and fill up on it". Ezekial found that it tasted like honey.
What a privilege we have. We have the word of God with us. He wants each one of us to eat and be full of what His word says to us. When we are full of His word, we will experience His love. And His love is going to taste sweeter than honey.
2:2 - The spirit on Ezekial was not a common thing. But again we are privileged that God has promised His spirit on each of us. Each of us are called to be prophets for God today.
3:15 - "I was both annoyed and angry"
?? Why does he feel that?
3 - Being stubborn or hard is not only the devils doing. God expects us to be stubborn and hard too. But where you choose to be stubborn and hard, depends on who is talking to you.
God wants us to be stubborn and hard in our faith in Him, and in our trust in Him. No matter what happens around us, He wants us to stick onto Him.
God knows the people very well. He knows they are going to be arrogant and are not going to listen to His prophets.How does God retaliate? He makes His prophets even more stubborn.
But how do we react to these situations in our life? When we see a loved on who is stubborn over something, do we just let them be? Instead, we should look to the Lord for strength to be stubborn ourselves. To hold back our fort, and also to build it further, encompassing our loved ones too.
3:15 - 7 days
3:22-27 - There is a right time for everything. Just because you know something or are asked to do something, doesn't mean you jump into it. The Lord will decide when the time is going to be right for you. Till then He will bind you. So if you feel like you are meant to do a lot of things for the Lord, but feel like you are bound, then it's just God telling you to wait till the time is right.
But can't the devil be you too? - I don't think so. When God has a plan or purpose for you, and you are willing to be allowed to be used for His plan, then He will ensure that it comes to pass. He will give you a lot of reasons to realise what He wants of you.
He will never abandon you.
He will never abandon you.
3:16-21 - Ezekial was responsible for the people he didn't warn. He was freed of this responsibility when he warned the people. If God were to say the same thing to us today, most of us will be punishable. When it is so easy to discuss movies with others, why can't we share His love with others?
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